Garage Sale! Sat 8-4 Sun 10-1

118 Mesa Drive - Salida
Saturday - 8am to 4pm
Sunday - 10am to 1pm

Kitchen aid mixers, pots/pans, outdoor gear (skis - atomic race set up, black diamond crash pad - rock climbing, new scarpa climbing shoes, skateboards, cycling gear, skates, basketballs, Kelty pack, and more), lawn mower, grill, bike bag, wheel box, Tule roof rack system - load bars and fairing, bike trays for roof rack (tule and rocky mounts), sports memorabilia, Patagonia fleeces, vintage shirts, clothes, shoes, book shelf, desk, 55 in Vizio TV, RCA TV, iPad, DVD player, microwave, speakers, decor, jewelry, book bags, backpacks, large mirror, purses, and more!

First come, first serve! We will not reserve any of the items.

Saturday - 8am to 4pm
Sunday - 10am to 2pm


  • How did this get posted? Has the writer ever seen anything like this on the Salida Citizen? This belongs on Salida Swap The Citizen is for events, news, discussion and comments; not commerce.

    Is anyone minding the store at Salida Citizen? Please remove this post and caution this writer and others not to try placing ads here again.

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