Salida School District Undertaking Educational Facilities Master Plan

For Immediate Release
For more information, contact Public Information Officer
Brandy Coscarella 719-530-5406

Salida School District Undertaking Educational Facilities Master Plan
Facilities Master Plan to ensure alignment of educational and support services needs

(Salida, Colo., April 16, 2018) ― The Salida School District will conduct a Comprehensive Educational and Facility Master Plan effort, which will align with the District's vision and strategic plan and will explore a variety of options based on a thorough assessment of the facilities and stakeholder input. The Board of Education has selected DLR Group and Western Demographics to lead the effort, which will focus on a strategic, long-term facilities plan to address the District’s enrollment and infrastructure needs, to ensure innovative educational programming so Salida School District students are best prepared for the future.

The Master Plan will build upon the Facility Plan completed in 2008, the recently completed community values survey, and the District’s strategic plan efforts. The results of these processes will drive the District's educational program for the foreseeable future and will provide important input into the development of the facility master plan. The previous facility plan predicted a declining enrollment trend for the district, which has not held true.

The District will host a series of community meetings throughout the process, allowing community members to learn more about the educational and facilities needs and provide feedback to help shape the plan. The Master Plan process will involve four major phases over the course of the fourteen months.

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