Ghost Hunters Arrive in Salida

Salida Walking Tours has teamed with the nationally-known ghost hunting experts of Hotchiss Paranormal Investigators for a special spooky event.

March 2, Salida Walking Tours presents their Ghost Hunting Spectacular, featuring two separate paranormal investigations.

Each event begins with a 75-minute Darkside of Salida & Ghost Tour. This 5-star rated, guided happening explores murders, lynchings, brothels, and actively-haunted buildings in downtown Salida.

Next, there is a one-hour presentation by the six-member team of Hotchkiss Paranormal Investigators, where they’ll discuss the science of ghost hunting and the high-tech equipment used to explore for spirits. Dinner accompanies the presentation.

Finally, attendees will witness the Hotchiss team perform a live 60-90 minute ghost hunt in an area building.

The early event runs from 3:30 – 7:00 p.m. The later event runs from 7:00 – 10:30 p.m. Each event is $44 per person and includes the tour, presentation, dinner, and live ghost hunt.

Space is limited to 20 guests per event.

For more information or to register, visit:

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