Antarctica Focus of May 5 Sunday Science Program

Global warming has renewed interest in our poles. The next Central Colorado Humanists Sunday Science program on May 5 will focus on research being conducted on Antarctica, the last continent discovered in the 1800s.
    Antarctica: The Coldest Place on Earth will be presented by Dr. Steve Kottmeier at the Salida Scout Hut, 210 E. Sackett Avenue May 5 starting at 10 a.m. Kottmeier will speak on the latest U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP) research being conducted by scientists and administered by the National Science Foundation.
    Kottmeier worked first as a USAP/NSF research scientist and then supported USAP/NSF scientific research in Antarctica for over 30 years. He holds a BS degree in Biological Science from Colorado State University and a Ph.D. degree in Biology from the University of Southern California. 
He retired from the USAP in 2012 as the Director of Science Support for Raytheon Polar Services.
CCH sponsors the Sunday Science presentations on the first Sunday of each month. Admission is free while donations to defer costs are always welcome, and light refreshments will be provided. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. to ensure the program begins promptly at 10 a.m.****
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