CCWE: We Write, August 17th, Free and open to public
The Chaffee County Writers Exchange (CCWE) is sponsoring the August “WE Write” free writing session and open to the public on Saturday, August 17th, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon in Leadville, CO at the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum, 120 West E Street. The session will be led by Robin Hall: Writer, Historical Researcher, and CCWE Treasurer and leading a topic of “Mysteries at the Museum.” Come join us as the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum hosts our group for a WE Write focused on mysteries. We will discuss the elements to create a mystery and practice our sleuthing skills in a few rooms of the museum. You may have a secret Sherlock just waiting to be awoken! Please bring paper, a writing instrument or laptop, a snack to share for a morning break and your own beverage. Exercises are based on Natalie Goldberg’s method for writing freely and spontaneously. To respect those with allergies please refrain from wearing perfumes or colognes. RSVP: [email protected] and for additional information on CCWE: