Butterfly Migrations Focus of Next Humanist Science Sunday Program Sept. 1
Monarch butterflies are known for their distinctive coloration as well as their epic migrations.
The Central Colorado Humanists will present a program on Monarchs and other butterfly species in the next Science Sunday program on Sept. 1 at the Salida Scout Hut, 210 E. Sackett Ave.
The program will cover the migrations of the Monarch butterflies, Painted Lady butterflies and some other butterfly species.
Monarchs migrate yearly from their overwintering grounds in central Mexico to Canada and back. While the Rocky Mountain States are not a Monarch migration route, Monarchs can still be seen in our area flying and feeding on milkweed plants at Sands Lake, along the Monarch Spur Trail and other locations.
The lesser-known Painted Lady butterflies migrate only in wet winters and early springs. These conditions cause a super bloom of the butterfly’s host plants, usually in northwestern Mexico, California, Nevada, and Arizona.
This year's super bloom sent painted ladies to Colorado and as far as the Arctic Circle to be seen in numbers reaching an estimated three billion.
The program will be presented by Hannahlore Gabriel of Salida.
Hannelore pursued a career in jewelry design. Her professional and photography interest led to the research of the jewelry, anthropology and iconography of Nepal, resulting in her book The Jewelry of Nepal.
Butterflies, the jewels of nature, are her current photographic focus, combined with the study of Lepidoptera after a lifelong interest in butterflies.
Central Colorado Humanists sponsor Sunday Science presentations for the public on the first Sunday of each month. The program will begin at 10 a.m., and doors will open at 9:30 a.m. to insure the presentation can start promptly. A question and answer period will follow the program.
Admission is free while donations to defer costs are always welcome, and light refreshments will be provided. For more information, visit centralcoloradohumanists.org or our Facebook page.