350 Central Colorado Hosts Environmental Film ‘The Need to Grow’
350 Central Colorado will present another in its environmental film series on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 7 Poncha Blvd.
The film, “The Need to Grow,” documents the imperative of healthy soils in an era of increasingly
industrial-level food production that depletes vital soil nutrients by the use of chemical fertilizers.
The film directors and executive producer completed a documentary on how important soil health is to the future of the planet and the urgent challenges facing our global food system.
They commented: “We knew the public didn’t need another doomsday film insinuating it was too late to save our species. It’s not. So we set out looking for the untold stories of revolutionary people who are already creating the new food system, in harmony with nature.”
The film underscores how healthy soil regulates not just the nutrients in a healthy food system, but healthy water, air, biodiversity and the ability to return atmospheric carbon pollution back into the Earth.
The producers stress that like nothing else, healing soils addresses almost every other environmental issue - including climate change.
The Need To Grow follows pioneers of cutting edge technology as they fight to localize sustainable food systems and regenerate Earth's depleted soils.
Light refreshments will be available and donations to defray the costs of showing the film are welcome.
For more information on 350 Central Colorado, visit the website 350centralcolorado.org or the Facebook page.