Salida School District Moves To Remote Learning
After a last minute announcement for the High School students to stay home and engage in remote learning today, the Salida School District later announced that it would release all students early. According to the Salida Schools Notification Center "There is a positive case of Covid-19 at Salida High School. Based on protocol over the summer and through discussions today with our Covid-19 response team, we have decided to move to remote learning for the rest of the week. Because of this the Salida School District is releasing early today. Parents pick up at each building according to the following release times: HEA & Crest 1;30pm LES 1;45 pm SMS 2:15pm SECC Regular Release Time Lunch is being served. No buses will run this afternoon. Parents must report to each school for pickup. Bring home all remote learning materials. The school district will be remote learning for the remainder of the week. All after school activities have been cancelled for the week. An email has been sent which contains more detailed information from Chaffee County Public Health."
The email mention has not yet been received and we will update this post when it does.