CCWE Free Writing Session January 25, 2021
The Chaffee County Writers Exchange (CCWE) is sponsoring the January "WE Write" free writing session, open to the public, on Monday, January 25th, 9:00 am. to 12 noon on Zoom. The topic for this month will Seque!- led by Laurel McHargue, noted author of many published novels and Salida resident.
A segue - not to be confused with the two-wheeled personal transporter known as a Segway-is a smooth transition from one topic to section to the next. In this WE Write session, Laurel will offer tips for improving transitions in your writing, which will improve your work's flow and make for a more enjoyable reading experience should you choose to share your work. Exercises are based on Natalie Goldberg's method for writing freely and spontaneously.
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RSVP: [email protected] by January 24th if you plan to attend and she will send you the Zoom link.