Climate Series Pub Talk: Alex Rudney, USFS Salida

edited April 2015 in Events

GARNA is kicking-off a series of casual conversations about climate change issues in the Upper Arkansas Valley. Topics will range from possible effects of climate change to sustainability and opportunities for adaptation. Local experts in various topics will present. The hour will include a short presentation followed by Q&A and lively discussion.

The first in the series will take place on Thursday, April 2 from 5:30 until 6:30 pm at Benson’s Tavern in Salida. Alex Rudney of the USFS Salida Ranger District will present the possible effects of climate change on our local forests, and discuss what this means for forest health and planning, with emphasis on the current spruce beetle situation. Alex is silviculturist with the Pike/San Isabel National Forest, Salida Ranger District. He has led several programs for GARNA including a snowshoe hike in the Monarch Pass area in December 2014. Drink specials will be available. Free, no sign-up is required. For more information, please call GARNA at 539-5106.

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