Dog Safety Classes for Preschoolers
Gone to the Dogs is teaching Dog Safety Classes to the Preschools around Chaffee County. The first classes were recently held at Salida Early Childhood Center.The classes are taught by Dog Trainer, Laura Bussing and her Therapy Dog, Geri. Bussing says the goal of the classes are to teach young children how to safely meet dogs and how to avoid getting bit by a dog. A survey by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta ("CDC") concluded that dogs bite nearly 2% of the U.S. population -- more than 4.5 million people annually. Approximately, 885,000 of those are serious enough for emergency room treatment. The majority of the cases are bites to children. "This is my favorite community service give back. If I can help prevent just one child from being bitten by a dog, it's worth it", says Bussing.
The free, interactive classes teach the young children how to safely pet a dog and how to avoid being bitten by their own dog at home. Geri is a registered Therapy Dog with Therapy Dogs International and a designated Canine Good Citizen by the American Kennel Club. Laura & Geri will soon be visiting Mountain Kids, Little Apes, and Son Shine. If you would like them to visit at your facility, please contact Laura at 239-0553.