World’s Best Baby Toy created in Salida
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've written. Some of you have asked if I was going to write after the election. This may not be what you expected. With my business partner in Boulder, I've been creating the first baby toy designed specifically to create bonds between a baby and their parent or caregiver. So, I have been giving a lot of thought to communication and how we interact with others.
I had the good fortune to work on a film for The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, where I had face time with thought leaders in the early childhood development space. From the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, to a Harvard Professor who runs the Center on Media and Child Health—These people are equally astonished at how quickly the brain develops, and the ways that we can affect the developing child through specific kinds of interactions in the earliest days and week. The new science on how, and when a baby’s brain develops, is remarkable, and new non-invasive technology is giving us incredible new insights. Yoee Baby may look like a classic plush toy, but was designed to reflect this science and create those giggles, smiles and coos we expect.
It has taken almost three years to get Yoee Baby off the ground, and as soon as we get through our product launch, I will explain the whole backstory of how I got into baby toys. But, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to share this project with y’all, my Salida family, because right now you can buy a Yoee Baby at a discount (via KICKSTARTER) during our launch.
If you want to check out some short films, start with KICKSTARTER campaign, then head over to our web page. You may recognize some locals!
Thanks to Donna and crew at Kaleidoscope Toys, as well as the Moms, babies and many other locals for being great early supporters. This project has taken us around the country, and as far as China where we contracted a small woman-owned, women-run cut and sew facility for manufacturing. There are only 5 days left to support our campaign.
If you have any questions, reach out! [email protected] If you believe the world needs fewer electronic, blinking toys, please share this article or head over to our FACEBOOK page. Your help in supporting and sharing our crowdfunding campaign is very helpful.
Years ago, on a whim, my buddy Trey and I created The Salida Citizen. This was another side project in a long line of projects; Antero Hot Spring Cabins, C3 downtown office studios, and of course Dog Sonic Design, where we have made countless short films and consulted with clients on design and media. But our latest project, and by far the biggest, is Yoee Baby!