School Board Election 2017 Petitions Available
For Release August 15, 2017
Five out of seven school board seats will be voted upon this November. The five open seats include District 1, 3, 4, and 5, along with an at large seat. District 1 will be a 2 year term. The incumbent, Penny Wilken, has picked up her petition and declared her intent to be a candidate for this seat. Districts 3, 4, 5 and the at large district will all be four year terms. District 3, incumbent Cheri Post has picked up her petition and declared her intent to be a candidate for this seat. District 5 incumbent Kyle Earhart has also picked up his petition and declared his intent to be a candidate for this seat. For the at-large district, incumbent Lori Isenberger along with Jeannie Peters have both declared their intent to participate in the election. District 4, currently served by Gay Hahn, has had no petitions picked up yet.
Salida School District continues to work within the framework of the strategic plan and has identified four main areas of focus including: financial planning, issues around growth, master facilities planning, and continued improvement in Human Resources. “These are big priorities and it is important to bring on board members who see the importance of this work and can help carry it forward to the next level.”
Salida School Board Directors serve on various committees and as liaisons to the staff and community while managing the matters of the district at regular monthly Board meetings.
Anyone considering running for Salida School Board is encouraged to contact school board members and the Superintendent for more information. Candidates for school board must pick up a petition from the Salida School District Central Administrative Offices (CAO) at the Kesner Building 349 E 9th St. /Salida return it to Mrs. Coscarella at Central Administration Office with 50 signatures from eligible voters registered within Salida School District Boundaries. Petitions are due back by September 1, 2017. That is also the deadline for write in candidate. Voters may sign one petition for each available seat.