Election 2016 Information

As Colorado's 2016 election is an all-mail ballot, having your correct mailing address on file with the Secretary of State is crucial.

Voters can update and register at GoVoteColorado.com all through the Election.

At 8 days before Election Day, the Chaffee County Clerk and Recorder cannot put a ballot in the mail to a voter. They will be registered but must come to a Vote Center to pick up a ballot or vote in person.

Voters need to update their record by October 13 for the initial mailing of ballots that will go out from the vendor on October 17.

After October 13th, the Chaffee County Clerk and Recorder processes voters from GoVoteColorado.com and mails ballots every single day clear up until 8 days before the Election. Typically, they mail between 25-50 ballots a day.

The Chaffee County Clerk and Recorder rarely issues provisional ballots anymore because they have have same day registration and live data. They can pull up a voter's record and see that they haven’t voted then issue them a ballot clear up until 7pm on election day.

Isn't it great that when so many states are making it tougher to vote, Colorado is making it easier?

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